Friday, August 29, 2008


Those of you who know me- know I wasn't excited about the humidity here in Virginia. But so far I haven't had a problem- the has actually been fairly pleasant. Yes, it has been humid and yes my hair is getting increasingly big, but it hasn't been that bad, today has actually been the hottest so far. I think it's about 90 degrees with 55% humidity- which means it feels about 98. But the rest of this week it's been cooler and frankly kinda dreary (which I prefer- I know I'm strange).

Way back in time (like, at least a month ago) I was talking to Melanie and she mentioned how bright it is in Utah and I didn't really have a full appreciation of what she meant until now. We have had some sunny days here but it isn't like a sunny day back home- it's kind of strange. 

The brightness (or dimness) isn't the only difference. The trees are amazing here and I can't believe the noise outside at night- I'm guessing it's bugs or maybe birds but it's an incredible racket. 

The one thing that's kind of annoying me- is my glasses. When I step out of my car my glasses fog- that doesn't happen in the dessert.  

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