Friday, August 22, 2008

My first week as a Virginian

I've been here a week, it's kinda odd it doesn't feel like a week.

So far I've managed to unpack and set up the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and living room. And the office is very nearly done. The kitchen is still pretty much a disaster but it's unpacked- it's just been the dumping ground- where things go until they find a home. I'm sick of unpacking- but at least the end is in sight.

Rusty has gotten more vaccinations and is now licensed in Virginia- he is now officially a Williamsburg dog. I'm not a Virginian yet but Rusty is. Here are a couple pictures (you can probably see what I mean about him looking like a lamb).
I've also met with my advisor and the graduate advisor and will meet with my mentor soon. I can't believe school starts in a couple days, I'm ready but I'm not (more not). I guess it's good that school is starting before I've had the chance to get bored but at the same time- I'm enjoying settling into my place slowly and being able to hang out with Rusty without having to worry too much about being anyplace at any certain time. My life is about to get really hectic. It'll be my first semester as a TA and my first semester at a new school. Apparently it's going to be an intense semester with the classes I've got lined up (according to my advisor).     

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