Saturday, October 4, 2008

President's Park

My sister was in town visiting this week and we spent a rainy Wednesday afternoon at President's Park where we looked at very large busts of all of the Presidents and learned interesting facts about them. I had no idea there have been so many assassination  attempts on so many Presidents! How did I not know that? Anyway, here are some pictures...

I took this picture of Lincoln, not only because he is clearly the best President ever but I also wanted to add another picture of the changing leaves... sadly they are kind of hard to see.

Has anyone ever noticed how close together Bush's eyes are? Is that why he seems so shifty? Although I thought the tie was a nice touch...  

So there you have pictures of my favorite and least favorite presidents, I feel kind of bad having them in the same post. If you'd like to learn juicy tidbits about the presidents through poetry you should visit my friend Liz's presidential poetry blog.... it's priceless!

1 comment:

liz said...

I am so jealous! I haven't really been there yet...just taken pictures through the chainlink fence.