Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Years Blues

There's nothing like the start of a new year to make you take assessment of your life. Normally I try to avoid falling prey to my tendancy to overanalyse things- it's a horrible habit and usually leads no place good. Unfortunatly I haven't been successful this year, I think it is because I have too much time on my hands. I'm incredibly grateful for such a long break- I really needed it- but having such an open schedule for so long seems strange and frankly I'm a little bored. Reading brain-free books and watching TV has been nice and all but I need to get out more.

As far as the assessing thing goes- I didn't do so well my first semester. I'm only beating myself up about it a little. I know I could have done better- you can always work harder. But I don't think I should be too hard on myself- it was a rough semester for me personally, there was a lot going on back home and it was hard being away from family. Plus- well... I hate to say this but I didn't really like my classes (didn't hate them or anything- just not completely my thing) none of them were particularly exciting. The one bright spot (there were two really- I also made a few good friends) was teaching. I really liked the class, working with my advisor was amazing, the other TA was also great. Most of all I really liked my students. Of course I always think I could have done better but overall I think it went well and my students seemed to enjoy the discussion sections.

I'm feeling very optimistic about next semester. I am much more excited about the classes I'm taking and it should be less stressful since I won't be teaching - I will miss teaching but it'll be nice to have less work. I have to retake the French exam but I should actually have time to practice this semester so my chances of passing will be better. I'm thinking about discussing France in my dissertation so I may try to find funding to go to France to do research - which would amazing! Plus I plan on making time to see more of my new home and maybe taking a trip up to DC. Who knows if I'll actualy do any of it- but it sounds like a good plan now.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

no self-flagellation. you did fine (i'm sure). enjoy your break! too bad it's cold, or you could get out more. but oh well. come to vienna! (just a thought) =)