Thursday, January 29, 2009

Checking In

The semester is officially underway. It was a strange and sad first week (it officially started last week- but I didn't have all of my classes until this week). I have two fairly close friends here (among other less-close friends, I'm not a complete loser) and one of them lost a parent this week- hence the strangeness and sadness of the week. I feel so badly for her. None of my friends have lost a parent before so I wasn't sure what one was supposed to do when something like this happens, so I'm not sure I handled it all that well. She went home and will be gone for a few weeks, Virginia is going to seem different without her here, she was one of the people I befriended right at the beginning of last semester so she has been a big part of my life here- I know it's only 3 weeks- not a huge amount of time- but it's going to be really hard without her here especially since she is gone under such sad circumstances.

On the bright side, my classes all got off to a good start. I'm especially excited about a directed reading I'm doing on war and America. I've mentioned before how much I like war memoirs- now I get to read them for a class, it should be really fun! Hard... but fun.

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