Friday, July 25, 2008


I had to work a somewhat long day today and didn't want to leave Rusty home in doggy jail all day so I asked my sister and nieces (they are 4 and 7) if they'd watch him for me. They very kindly consented.

After work I met them at Target to do a little shopping. My younger niece hopped in my cart and I noticed that she had marks on her face and I thought she might be burnt or something- but on closer inspection I realized that she had just drawn on her face with pink marker.

So off we went, I needed to get some cooking utensils and she helped me pick some out- we had several color choices and I let her decide- considering that she is a four year old girl it should come as no surprise that she choose pink. 

After Target I stopped by and picked up Rusty- it wasn't until we got in my car that I noticed that his eyelashes are (no surprise)- pink. 

(It is kinda hard to see in the pictures).

1 comment:

Robin said...

I think you should make his eyelashes pink every day!