Monday, July 28, 2008

The HOA Blues, part two

Well they responded and they said the dog must go- NOW. They are unwilling to give me a week and if he doesn't go NOW, I (well technically the owner- but in reality- me) will be fined. I responded and asked what the fine is, she said if the dog isn't out within 24 hours they will fine us $50 and we will have to have a hearing, after 48 hours we will be fined $100 and a lien will be placed on the property, and after 72 hours they will fine us $299 and a lawyer will get involved. So it could be an expensive week! 

Not surprisingly, I've decided that Rusty and I should leave now. I'm home right now packing for the night- I feel like a fugitive.

The situation feels strange to me- on one hand, I hate the rule and it chafes that they can enforce rules like this on property I own (used to own- that my sister now owns) and the fine schedule seems extremely punitive and ... well extreme. But on the other hand, I broke the rules, I got away with it for a surprisingly long time, and rules are rules whether I agree with them or not. I should have tried to get on the board and change to rules since I obviously have a problem with them but I didn't, I have no one to blame but myself. (Not that this realization makes me any less bitter).  

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