Monday, July 27, 2009

Thunder Storm

We had a massive thunder storm last night. It reminded me of a time when I was a kid and lightening struck near our house. My sisters might be able to correct or add to my memory of it.

Anyway- so one night we were all sleeping in the same room (my sisters, me, and our dog, Ginger) my younger sister and I shared a room but I'm not sure why Bernie was sleeping on our floor- maybe they were painting her room or something. The lightening struck a manhole cover a street over- the room lit up and stayed that way for several seconds and there was a loud crash. Ginger jumped up and sat on Bernie and the garage door started opening and closing over and over. We (read: my parents) had to replace the garage door opener and the tree in the middle of our yard was split in half- which killed it- I missed that tree.

That is a less exciting story now that it is typed out. Oh well, I'm sharing it anyway.

And, just as a side note, Rusty isn't afraid of thunder at all- he sleeps right through it. He also isn't afraid of the cannons and gunfire that sometimes go off at Colonial Williamsburg- it's the tourists that scare him.

1 comment:

Robin said...

LOL- that is how I remember it too and you are right, it seemed more exciting before you wrote it out :)
Although now I woder, I don't like thunder, maybe that is why