Saturday, June 21, 2008

Cuz that's how I roll, or don't

I was driving to work today (with Rusty- why not take my dog to work when I'm alone in the office almost the whole time I'm there) when suddenly my car started making a funny noise and started driving really rough. I wasn't sure what was wrong and thought I might be able to make it to work as I was only 2 exits away, but then it started to get worse so I got off at the next exit. It got better as I slowed down so I thought maybe I could make it to work after all, that's when I smelled it- burning rubber (yuk!) and stopped the car. I leaned out my door and saw my back tire in shreds- still smoking. Before I even had my hazards on an incredibly nice man stopped to help me. It was the fastest tire change ever- I was only 5 minutes late for work!  

The feminist in me is embarrassed to admit this, but I've had at least 8 flat tires in my life and I've never changed one myself (my dad changed 5 and the other 3 were changed by kind strangers- see there are nice people left in the world). 

I drove home after working 6 hours and my car still smells like burnt rubber.

Rusty had a rough day too. He was sitting under my desk at work and things got kinda hectic in the office, I was on the phone and one of the other office workers came in with her dog. Rusty doesn't like other dogs much and tried to jump up in my lap- but instead jumped into the desk- I was still on the phone when I heard a big thud and a yelp. I think I was as traumatized as he was- I was sure he was going to end up with a concussion or something. He was shaking for at least 15 minutes after it happened. Then I thought he might not realize how he hit his head and think that I hit him and would be afraid of me (because dogs always think the worst of their owners and then hold grudges- or maybe I always have worse case scenario running through my head). 

But all's well that ends well. Rusty is fine, the tire is under warranty, and I'm safely at home self medicating (read- drinking mudslides). 

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