So I've had Rusty for a while now and I must say I've been really lucky- he's not perfect (who is?) but he's been really great- people compliment me all the time on how well behaved he is (and of course- how cute he is). But the timing of getting him was not great. I don't regret it because I ended up with an awesome dog but I really should have waited.
You see, I live in a condo. I used to own the condo and bought it because I hate yardwork and shoveling snow and a condo seemed like a great idea- and frankly it was a good fit. The downside is the exorbitant condo fees and the HOA rules- especially the ones about dogs- they are not allowed- they can visit- but they can't live here.
When I got Rusty I knew I was breaking the rules but I got him anyway and justified it to myself in several ways. 1- I wasn't going to be living here much longer, 2- I no longer owned the condo but was renting from my sister- I figured if push came to shove she could tell them she has asked me to move (since I'm moving soon anyway) 3- screw 'em- we own the place (first me then my sister) we should be able to do what we want in a place we own, 4- he's a small dog- I'll sneak him in and out and clean up after him- no one will know- right?
I realized immediately after getting him that number 4 was completely idiotic- seriously what was I thinking- I'll hide him? In the first week all of the neighbors around us had seen him- I saw more of my neighbors that week than in the almost 7 years I've lived here!
For over a month and a half I got away with having him. I thought I wouldn't care about breaking the rules but it actually bothered me- my overactive guilt reflex kicked in right away- I was sure we were going to get caught. Every time I took him out I was looking over my shoulder worried that one of the board members would see him and tell me off. I was careful to clean up after him (as any decent dog owner is) but I still felt bad about breaking the rules. I guess I won't become a career criminal anytime soon- I'm clearly not cut out for it.
Well, today the inevitable happened- we got a letter giving us 48 hours to get him off the property. We were so close too! After Bernie (my sister) told me about the letter I looked at the calendar and realized I'd only be at the condo full time for another week! (Scary! I'm moving soooo soon!) (Sorry about all the !!!)
Anyway, I emailed the HOA and apologized and explained that he is not a permanent resident and asked if we could have a week instead of 48 hours- I'll let you know how that turns out. (*sigh*)