Thursday, July 31, 2008

Settling in... kind of

Rusty and I are settling into our temporary home. This may actually be working out for the best, I've been able to get a lot more packing done- I'm almost done! (I still hate packing- if anything I hate it even more as I get closer to the end). Rusty seems confused but he has already found a favorite spot to sleep.

I'm not sure Angel, my parents dog, likes having us around. I've been trying to get a picture of them together - this is the best I've managed so far- I know it's not a very good picture- but what can you do?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Fugitives

He's trying to wish us back home.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The HOA Blues, part two

Well they responded and they said the dog must go- NOW. They are unwilling to give me a week and if he doesn't go NOW, I (well technically the owner- but in reality- me) will be fined. I responded and asked what the fine is, she said if the dog isn't out within 24 hours they will fine us $50 and we will have to have a hearing, after 48 hours we will be fined $100 and a lien will be placed on the property, and after 72 hours they will fine us $299 and a lawyer will get involved. So it could be an expensive week! 

Not surprisingly, I've decided that Rusty and I should leave now. I'm home right now packing for the night- I feel like a fugitive.

The situation feels strange to me- on one hand, I hate the rule and it chafes that they can enforce rules like this on property I own (used to own- that my sister now owns) and the fine schedule seems extremely punitive and ... well extreme. But on the other hand, I broke the rules, I got away with it for a surprisingly long time, and rules are rules whether I agree with them or not. I should have tried to get on the board and change to rules since I obviously have a problem with them but I didn't, I have no one to blame but myself. (Not that this realization makes me any less bitter).  

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The drive home

I noticed how cool the sky looked as I was driving home from work today and felt compelled to take some pictures- they aren't great as I was driving (at about 70 mph) when I took them but you get the idea.

Other funs pics (at least I think so and since this is my blog that is all that really matters).

'My name is Sue, how do you do? Now you're gonna die!'

This seemed a fitting link for a blog named "A Boy Named Sue," Wasn't Johnny Cash awesome? 

Friday, July 25, 2008


I had to work a somewhat long day today and didn't want to leave Rusty home in doggy jail all day so I asked my sister and nieces (they are 4 and 7) if they'd watch him for me. They very kindly consented.

After work I met them at Target to do a little shopping. My younger niece hopped in my cart and I noticed that she had marks on her face and I thought she might be burnt or something- but on closer inspection I realized that she had just drawn on her face with pink marker.

So off we went, I needed to get some cooking utensils and she helped me pick some out- we had several color choices and I let her decide- considering that she is a four year old girl it should come as no surprise that she choose pink. 

After Target I stopped by and picked up Rusty- it wasn't until we got in my car that I noticed that his eyelashes are (no surprise)- pink. 

(It is kinda hard to see in the pictures).

The HOA Blues

So I've had Rusty for a while now and I must say I've been really lucky- he's not perfect (who is?) but he's been really great- people compliment me all the time on how well behaved he is (and of course- how cute he is). But the timing of getting him was not great. I don't regret it because I ended up with an awesome dog but I really should have waited. 

You see, I live in a condo. I used to own the condo and bought it because I hate yardwork and shoveling snow and a condo seemed like a great idea- and frankly it was a good fit. The downside is the exorbitant condo fees and the HOA rules- especially the ones about dogs- they are not allowed- they can visit- but they can't live here.

When I got Rusty I knew I was breaking the rules but I got him anyway and justified it to myself in several ways. 1- I wasn't going to be living here much longer, 2- I no longer owned the condo but was renting from my sister- I figured if push came to shove she could tell them she has asked me to move (since I'm moving soon anyway) 3- screw 'em- we own the place (first me then my sister) we should be able to do what we want in a place we own, 4- he's a small dog- I'll sneak him in and out and clean up after him- no one will know- right?  

I realized immediately after getting him that number 4 was completely idiotic- seriously what was I thinking- I'll hide him? In the first week all of the neighbors around us had seen him- I saw more of my neighbors that week than in the almost 7 years I've lived here!

For over a month and a half I got away with having him. I thought I wouldn't care about breaking the rules but it actually bothered me- my overactive guilt reflex kicked in right away- I was sure we were going to get caught. Every time I took him out I was looking over my shoulder worried that one of the board members would see him and tell me off. I was careful to clean up after him (as any decent dog owner is) but I still felt bad about breaking the rules. I guess I won't become a career criminal anytime soon- I'm clearly not cut out for it.

Well, today the inevitable happened- we got a letter giving us 48 hours to get him off the property. We were so close too! After Bernie (my sister) told me about the letter I looked at the calendar and realized I'd only be at the condo full time for another week! (Scary! I'm moving soooo soon!) (Sorry about all the !!!) 

Anyway, I emailed the HOA and apologized and explained that he is not a permanent resident and asked if we could have a week instead of 48 hours- I'll let you know how that turns out. (*sigh*)   

Friday, July 18, 2008

Fun links

So I've been thinking about my thesis a lot lately- not really sure why. But one of the songs I discuss is I'm Doing it for Defense. Click the link- it's two of the strangest scenes I've ever seen in a movie- but entertaining, it's from the movie- Star Spangled Rhythm (great name, don't you think?). Betty Hutton was something else. Watching it reminded me of how much fun I had doing research (I'm focusing on the positive here and not on how painful the writing part of my thesis could be at times).    

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Something new

I have a list of blogs I check regularly to see if there are any new posts and I keep checking mine as I go down the list and then I realized- there's only something new here if I post it- whoops.

Of course there would also be something new here if you commented (yes I'm talking to you) (wink- wink, nudge- nudge (aka hint-hint)).  

Friday, July 11, 2008

Home sweet home

In about a month I'll be on my way to Virginia and frankly at this point I'm ready to be there because at least then I don't have to worry about it anymore. And then today I went to the vets- Rusty needs to get heartworm meds, etc-  and as we were walking in I noticed the view- you could see almost the whole valley. I know I've gone on and on about moving and saying goodbye to Utah but at that moment I realized again that I am going to miss it. I'll miss my friends and family more but I am going to miss the place too. Growing up in Utah as a non-mormon wasn't easy but I still have always loved it here- (the place not always all of the people). 

I'm looking forward to living in Virginia too- it'll be exciting to live in some place so different- and so green. Everyone keeps talking about the humidity- but even that might be a nice change after spending my life in the desert (or at least a change- honestly I'm not super excited about the humidity).    

Monday, July 7, 2008

Another link

I've been meaning to link to this blog post forever but I'm not really sure what to say- it's really touching (at least I thought so) and kind of sad- but it makes you think. 

Gas Prices

I read a somewhat funny (and somewhat depressing) article (by Eric D. Snider) on gas prices- I read some of the comments at the end where several readers discussed bicycling as an option. Anyway, I thought I'd pass it along- here's the link.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Big Cottonwood Canyon

I was driving home from work, taking the scenic route, when I arrived to the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon and decided to take a left instead of a right and drive up the canyon. It's funny because I had to get gas this morning and was stressing about money and the price of gas and yet I hardly thought twice about driving up the canyon. I haven't been up there in years. I keep forgetting how beautiful Utah is. Here are some pictures. (Disclaimer: the pictures really don't do the canyon justice).

Rusty didn't think much of the drive, here's his reaction...

Who knew my purse was so comfortable?

He didn't like the "NO DOGS ALLOWED" sign either... (he's hiding his nose in a pocket).