Sunday, February 28, 2010

On the way to becoming a hermit

Reading is starting to get to me. I spend most of my day sitting and reading. Frankly it's getting old- and I'm just past the halfway mark- which is great- because it's downhill from here but bad because I feel like I've been reading forever- and I'm only halfway there!

I spend way too much time alone- if I were a guy I'd grow a beard and starting calling my dissertation a manifesto since my lifestyle is becoming rather unabomber-esque- only without the manhunt and bombs.... and I still shower and stuff.

Luckily I have a dog- unluckily for him he is owned by a hermit, I think it is starting to affect him too.

On the bright side- I actually manage to get out of my home almost everyday- Rusty enjoys his walks and how could I say no to that face? But I do think our combined stir-craziness has made our walks more interesting. Today he started climbing fences. Ok, it was just one fence- but he climbed it twice!

Here he is on top of the fence... there is a sheep behind him but it's hard to see since he is blocking most of it.

Here he is trying to go under the fence, since I wouldn't let him go over it. Now you can see the sheep.

The sheep have noticed our craziness too- these two sheep tried to climb through the fence to get to Rusty (turnabout is fair play and all that- except these are different sheep). Don't be fooled by their sweet expressions- the sheep on the left kept trying to butt Rusty through the fence.

Now, please excuse me I must get back to reading.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Let me know if you start gathering cobwebs.